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12/2/2014 3:28:48 PM
May be but I could max out crucible marks in less than 2 minutes with what I farm doing patrols weekly. Who cares how someone plays a game. It may be the worst way but I like it. It was part of the game and didn't impact anyone else. Why remove a feature that didn't cause any problems? Why remove it if only a few used it? All I hear from the other side is demeaning, putrid replies about how I should play the game. I thought Destiny was a game that you decide how to play it. Now it removed an option, all be it tedious to some, that limits how we can play and acquire standard legendary items, NOT Crucible exclusive items. Prove to me the items sold by any vendor has specific mods/perks for PvP only. I don't care if you think the items suck, I don't. Other than to force you to play the Crucible, no other reason has been given.

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