This game is 90% pve and ur stupid for not seing that
1) the best armor/weapoms is raid or exotic(mostly acquired thru nightfalls, raid chest with a sprinkle of pvp in the exotic bounties
2) patrols, strikes, daily, weekly, nightfall, raid 1 2 3 4 etc are all pve. Half the bounties are pve. The only thing pvp is the crucible and a sprinkle of pvp events
3) theres no reason to do pvp unless u like it. Crucible marks buy low level legendary armor/weapons. Which no one needs. Either ur doing the raid so have access to better stuff. Or ur not doing raid then u dont need awesome toys. U just do patrol so u dont need higher than lvl20.
4) its clear ur an old gamer who doesnt understand new fancy games with all their bells and whistles. Ur trying to play destiny like its the orignal zelda farming whatever the -blam!- old games had u farm. So there u are doing patrols farming faction rep, blue engrams and mats.
It takes half hour to do nightfalls/weekly. It takes 1 hour to do the raid on hard with randoms(probably longer now with templar fix). U can find a group to play with on Once u start playing the meat of the game than those side activities u were treating as the point of the game stop being valuable. Bungie just removed one of the worst parts of the game which was running in circles opening chests for hours(i needed 2000 mats over the weekend to upgrade all the exotics i had spent like 15hrs doing that)
U can play the game however u want. If mindless/endless patrol relaxes you after work then fine. But dont complain how the big boys play the meat of the game when ur just on the sidelines doing meneal activities. If u lov patrols so much keep on with ur bad self no ones stopping you.
[b] tldr - your like a 10 year old collecting coke cans for pennies so u can buy a candy bar. But ur upset taxes just went up because the city needed more money for road repairs. Yes it effects ur candybar purchase. But there are more important things happening around ur 10 year old brain. Like keeping the roads functioning so grownups can go to work and make real $. Important decisions arent made to accomodate children or gamers who grind the shit out of 3% of the game[/b]
ps..... u cant sell mats for faction rep because u can buy mats with marks. If u could do both then u could buy mats with marks, sell them for faction rep.
So each tiger strike would give faction rep + marks(which turn into faction rep) leading to accelerated faction ranking = more rewards (meaning legendary engrams)
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