So you want to earn crucible weapons and armor, without playing crucible? What are you, 12?
Not crucible weapons and armor, he's asking for faction gear. It is a fair request.
I was thinking the same. A lot of idiots on here feel like this guy. Thts why there's two f'n sides so you don't have to play one way. But you should have never gotten another side's stuff without playing it's missions an bounties I'm glad they took that out made no sense. Besides all that gear is the same! With minor tweaks to weapons.
No...I am 63....LMAO
You shouldn't be able to get crucible marks without playing the crucible BUT it is really dumb that the factions don't take Vanguard marks too. Make them accept both currencies and then nobody has any reason to complain.
The factions should not be crucible only. You gain rep for doing PVE, but they only take crucible marks, like every other vendor that sells weapons, except for 1. The things they sell are more useful for PVE anyway. They are not crucible weapons and armor, they are just weapons and armor.
I agree with this. I am 95% PVE to 5% PVP. I have all of the Vanguard stuff that I want and now have been leveling FWC. But my Crucible rep is to low to buy anything and I am level 3 FWC. So I am working on my Crucible skills to be able to buy from these factions. It would be nice if 1 or 2 were PVE based and 1 PVP based or visa-versa.
Right? People don't seem to understand the purpose of having armor that is unlocked through different activities.
Why does crucible get so many more options then? for vanguard your marks only go to 2 vendors at max. Crucible marks go to the 2 crucible vendors, and to every faction as well. Vanguard marks should be currency for factions, but not crucible. The factions obviously care about what you're doing in PvE, as the world you are defending is the one they live in.