OP you raise a great point. To the posters who are rage-replying, I don't think you fully understand the situation (no offense intended here, just trying to clear it up).
It seems whenever someone goes on a "rant" it's usually for a highly debatable context, this however, really isn't one of those cases. The OP is not asking for CRUCIBLE REP/MARKS for PvE tasks. That would be asking for a handout, and would deserve criticism. But again, this is not what the OP is requesting.
Destiny currently has its vendors set up so that you can earn both faction and vanguard rep through PvE, but vanguard marks cannot be spent on faction gear. Why is this the case? In crucible your marks go for both crucible gear, and faction gear. This gives PvP players a lot more variety when selecting what pre-level 30 gear to purchase (or weapons they favor).
Imo there are 3 solutions (the last would not be popular):
1) make vanguard marks a currency for factions so that PvE players can get more armor and weapon variety on par with PvP players.
2) take away the ability to earn some of the factions rep through PvE activities (i.e Dead Orbit/New Monarchy could be vanguard marks and FWC, etc. could be crucible).
3) Take away all ability to earn faction rep through vanguard activities to strengthen the message that factions are PvP oriented and have no opinions on what happens in the PvE elements (this doesn't make sense because, for obvious reasons, the factions would care about the PvE events as it directly effects them).
Of all things left to fix in this game, this seems relatively easy to do, and theoretically wouldn't take much time to do so. Good thoughts OP, a lot of the rage-replies are either PvP fanatics, or have misunderstood your intent.
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