[quote]Either bring back the material exchange for Crucible marks and rep, open all vendors to accept both currencies or I'll just play PvP to piss as many off as possible to obtain a K/D of 0.00.[/quote]
Right. Also Ctrl + F and search for "faction" or any hint of it in the OP.
I didn't like the material exchange for marks, the amount of mats for marks was a bad price for the reward. But I do agree with the idea that vanguard marks should be viable currency at faction vendors. Sorry if I'm being redundant, I didn't full understand the intent of your reply, or your opinion on my thoughts.
And I disagree. If you join a faction and see that it has a prerequisite of Crucible marks for their gear, then guess what you need to play to get it? Earning rep for Faction gear outside of crucible? Irrelevant and useless. The currency marks you need are only earned in PVP(now). Can PVP'ers do the opposite and trade their materials/marks that they gain in PVP for PVE rep and marks? Nope. Unless you mean faction rep then guess what? It makes sense in both modes.
PvE players get access to: Vanguard armor and weapons. Crucible players get access to: Crucible armor and weapons, FWC armor and weapons, Dead Orbit armor and weapons, New Monarchy armor and weapons,. I don't see why PvP players deserve 3 additional vendors. If the factions also accept vanguard marks then both PvE players and PvP players still hold onto their exclusive gear (vanguard and crucible gear) while also offering more options and diversity to all players.
Edited by ReesesPieces101: 12/2/2014 5:34:09 PMI don't see PVP players complaining that they can't get rare sparrows to upgrade to legendaries because it's PVE only. I don't see them complaining that they can't get easier rep either through PVE specific modes like Tiger-Strikes or Patrol Bounties, which are obviously quicker. All this is proving is that PVE has things specific to it, just like PVP. If you want PVP specific rewards, guess what you have to do? And yes they are PVP specific if you have to have crucible marks for them.
Crucible has rare sparrows that can be upgraded, and imo, offers the cooler selection of sparrow colors. I personally bought the crucible sparrow that is yellow and green and upgraded it to legendary with the green upgrade from Xur. Factions are not PvP exclusive. They have specific bounties that offered on patrol, and you can earn rep through patrol, strikes, and weekly's. We're not asking for crucible gear, just faction gear. The factions do tie into the story with the grimoire as well. Why their gear can't be bought with vanguard is weird to me.
Edited by ReesesPieces101: 12/2/2014 6:10:51 PMNever seen the Crucible sparrows, probably because I only play PVP for the enjoyment of it and don't got to the vendors. That aside it still shows that there are PVP/PVE specific gear, events, currency, etc. How people can't fathom that or adjust to change is beyond me. Should they be made available to PVE players who don't PVP? Apparently the developers think otherwise.
The Crucible Quatermaster sells them for 175 crucible marks a pop. No one is saying to strip the crucible of crucible-specific vendors. The problem is, with the current set-up, that factions are kind of in a limbo state with vanguard. You can earn the rep, but the marks you get can't be spent on them. Factions are represented in both PvP and PvE, whereas the actual Vanguard is PvE specific and crucible is PvP specific. With the suggested changes crucible players would still have unique gear unto themselves, and PvE players would become more diverse in appearance, load outs, and capabilities. IMO, such a change would help solve the problem of everyone looking the same (prior to 30), while also allowing PvE and PvP elements to retain some exclusivity to their specific vendors. It may be that we just have a honest difference in opinion on this matter. I say this because why people feel PvP players deserve 5 vendors while PvE only gets 2 is something that I cannot fathom. Especially for a game that was advertised for its PvE elements. By making factions accessible to both forms of marks both PvE and PvP players still have access to 2 vendors apiece that is exclusive to their preference, while also offering more variety in game. To me, this holds nothing but positive implications. This balance was well achieved, in theory, with the Queen and Iron Banner. With the Queen you could use PvE to get certain gear, and through Iron Banner you used PvP to get other gear. Perhaps bringing both back, full time (with updates as level caps grow) would help alleviate the imbalance in the mark/faction vendor system.