What really pricked my pinecones was that overall, this update was awesome. I was very excited over the changes. Generally, it was a nice improvement to the overall game.
Unfortunately, the removal of this one feature (which wasn't even listed in the patch notes) directly impacted my experience in a very negative way.
I'm starting to feel like my biggest mistake was actually enjoying this game. Since launch I've been optimistic about what this game could become. I had hope that we would be given more options, more choices, & more variety.
Instead, I feel the parts of the game I was enjoying are becoming more restrictive with fewer options to choose from.
This makes me a sad panda...
I am really glad I wasn't the only one that missed the none listed note... I burned through all my crucible points buying relic iron i didn't need. I don't really find the crucible fun so those few points I had won't be earned again very quickly. I was really looking forward to playing the next DLC but now I am more pissed about the game and feel less likely to defend it from negative comments.
I feel your pain.......the life is being sucked out of Destiny by Bungie.