Sorry that those of us who like having more options int he game are posting. There was no reason to remove the system that was in place. You didn't have to farm if you didn't want to. Why did they have to remove it? Why not just add the new exchange so players would have the CHOICE in how they traded in their materials or marks. Every patch is give something, take away something, instead of just leaving options there for everyone to use. Having material trade for marks and marks trade for materials would have made everyone happy, but no, they had to take away something that some people enjoyed doing, which is what they just don't seem to get so far.
Also farming is more than running around grabbing chests, lol. I've probably received more rare/legendary drops from patrols/farming then strikes, plus you get more public events and can do patrol missions and get a ton of reputation for Vanguard/Factions, you actually gain reputation much faster than you do in either strikes or crucible.
Again my only real gripe is they took away something they didn't have to and in the end just removed another option for having a flexible way to play the game.
Well let's turn the problem on it's side, how could a PvP only player get vanguard rep? The option was there for PvE to get cruc marks but not the other way around. Now they took that option away and gave PvP a turn and people are complaining