[quote]What the heck was the logic behind removing material exchange for Crucible rep and marks?[/quote]
If both the sell materials and buy materials were in the game at the same time then players could cash out all of their vanguard marks for crucible marks. It was not an unintentional side effect, They listened to the community who wanted a way to buy materials. Having both would have broken the game in regards to getting Crucible marks.
PVP factions are for playing PVP, It's feasible to think that you might actually have to play PVP if you want to get PVP faction gear.
Destiny is by far PVE heavy, after all there are only 4 main Crucible playlists and the occasional Salvage or Iron Banner. On top of that reaching level 30 can only be done in PVE.
[quote]If both the sell materials and buy materials were in the game at the same time then players could cash out all of their vanguard marks for crucible marks.[/quote] If a PvE player wants to convert VM's to CM's so that he can buy Crucible weapons to use for PvE, I fail to see how this is broken. There is no value added since one Legendary is as good as another against the AI. I even fail to see how this is broken by a PvP standpoint. Whose business is it other than mine what load-out I bring to PvP so long as I am not cheating or sandbagging?
It's obvious that Bungie wants Crucible marks to be earned by actually playing Crucible. Bungie owns the game and can do what they want with it.
I thought you can get to level 30 by doing Iron banner. I guess I was wrong.
You could only get 2 pieces of 30 armor from Iron Banner. You need four pieces of 30 armor to hit level 30. An exotic fills one spot so you are still required to have at least the chest or helmet from raid to actually be level 30.
IB helped you get to 30 but they didn't buff past Iron Regalia gear so their are two chest pieces for titan and hunter and gloves and boots for all classes in games. The chest pieces only grant 27 light.
With a 10 marks gets you 20 mats trade, and a 50 mats gets you 5 marks trade, 200 Vanguard marks->400 mats->40 Crucible marks (or one would presume shifting 200 Crucible marks to Vanguard marks). I'm not sure that shifting marks at 5:1 is that game breaking. Please explain. I'd also argue that Crucible marks are more valuable. There are five vendors that take Crucible marks (2 crucible + 3 faction). Only two vendors take Vanguard marks (your Vanguard rep and the Vanguard outfitter).
I never said the exchange rate was great. It's obvious that Bungie did not want there to be a straight way to convert Vanguard marks to Crucible marks. This is why they removed the selling of mats for marks. I meant it would break the game in regards to Crucible marks because it would have been stupid easy to get Crucible marks without stepping foot inside of an actual PVP match. Why should anyone get rewarded for something they didn't even do? Regardless there's not much point in arguing over it because Bungie controls the game. If they want Crucible marks to only be earned from actually playing Crucible then it's within their rights to make it so, and they have. Crucible marks can only be earned through playing PVP, while Vanguard marks can be earned in a lot of different ways. This is balanced out by the fact that faction rep can be gained in both PVP and PVE by wearing the faction class item. This means you can buy your armor/weapons faster from a faction but you are limited to how you can get your marks.
[quote] I meant it would break the game in regards to Crucible marks because it would have been stupid easy to get Crucible marks without stepping foot inside of an actual PVP match.[/quote] I don't buy the argument because they HAD a way before the patch. At least a few people did actually farm mats to turn in for marks. Seems silly to me, but it worked for them. Bungie also have a different control in place that keeps marks from being stupid easy to earn ... they limit you to 200 per week per character. That alone does more to limit the effectiveness of any mark swapping scheme than anything else.