Ok community what was that one game that sold you to the gaming life!? What is that one game that when you think back it bring about the good old days memory :)!
Edit: I continue to enjoy everyone's memories
Edit2: over 3000 comments ! Let's keep this game train going !
I think super Mario kart on snes was the first time I said "oh my god, this is awesome!" Wasn't my first experience, but my first great one, mainly because I did it with my older brothers.
Call of duty Modern Warfare 3. I was young back then and more interested in Wii games. Then I met this guy this guy that really like video games too and he introduced to the Xbox and this game. I am now a gamer and a first person shooter lover ever since
Pitfall, adventure, and River Raid on 2600. Moving forward to the newer age would be the Halo series. It truly defined online gaming on the console and made me very competitive and aggressive in my play style. The original games were fun, but I have found its simply best to leave those as a great memory. I am looking forward to see what the future holds.
Ninja turtles and xmen for the Nintendo....to this day I still hate that water lvl.
goldeneye enough said
Edited by Ropq: 12/17/2014 2:19:04 AMRemember playing nes games really young.... never really knew what was going on with them was like 3 or 4.. then went to sega... played them a lot.. n64 and diddy kong racing was prob the game i was most excited for. got it for christmas when i was 10... played that game so much. damn i can't forget pokemon red... played that non stop. pokemon started my love of rpg mmorpg.
Super smash bros. N64. 9 years of childhood in one box
...what are video games? [spoiler]Nintendo 64 "Super Mario 64" and Legend of Zelda[/spoiler]
Edited by SeanMG-_-: 12/17/2014 2:16:12 AMWarcraft 3 expansion..... played that shit too much. Had the 500 tournament icon with like an 89% win/loss ratio.
Xenogears. Beat it 3 times with 100+ hrs on each.
Resident Evil 2, Castlevania SOTN, and Legend of Zelda Majora's Mask.
Edited by RolandExplodes: 12/17/2014 2:04:26 AMCastlevania on the NES or the original Final Fantasy. Although my first system was an Atari 2600.
The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time and majoras mask
Ocarina of time and 007 were my first video games and I LOVE THEM.
Edited by Cosmos: 12/17/2014 12:39:32 AMNES- Cobra Triangle and Master Blaster Its crazy to think you couldnt save in these games. On the original playstation breath of fire 3 is still one of my all time favorites.
Myst, Tomb Raider, but Star Wars: Dark Forces was probably the one most influential in my current gaming addiction.
Dungeons and Dragons on Colecovision
Legend of Zelda
Ratchet and clank
Trading ff7 saves via memory cards at school. Those were the days.
Roland in the caves on an amstrad cpc 464
Street fighter 2 changed the world
Legend of the Dragoon. It was a 4 disc game for PS one. Knew I was a gamer for life when I played that. I still go back from time to time
Im was born with a N64. I miss Starfox 64 SOOO MUCH! I also want to finish the Turok trilogy. I was a little kid when I had them (well, my uncle, not me) and I was too afraid to finish them, but they were awesome in my opinion back then.
Halo 1 and 2, splitscreening with friends.