i suck at PvP. i've always sucked. and i wont get any better. i've played the shit out of most CoD's, and i maybe become round winner 1/100 games. mostly i'm at the bottom of the stat screen.
heck, i even played Doom when many of you in here were still sucking your momma's breasts. some of you were even just particles in the great cosmos of you dad's nutsack. i sucked back then and haven't evolved in a positive direction.
i popped several veins in my head when i realised there were PvP achievements in this game... nevermind, ranting gotta stop. getting off work soon. going back home to play some Exo survival on CoD AW. that at least is some fun online gaming.
what was my point here? aaah, nothing. but i'll join up for having some fun time on PvP just to give the PvP'ers some bad time. hook me up! i will suck so hard the bricks you shit will shit bricks.
Edited by Pukewarm: 12/2/2014 9:12:25 PMI was horrible at this game when I got it. I've always been about average for PVP but I literally could not kill anyone and felt like I was dying really fast. The thing is, you do get better, even if you don't necessarily become more skilled. With knowledge of maps and routes, and understanding of team mechanics, and finding weapons that work for how you play, you will learn how to succeed. 175 rounds later, I often enjoy my time spend in the crucible. I have exotic bounties to thank for pushing me to play the crucible again. If I had spent the time here complaining instead of just getting it done, I wouldn't have known I actually enjoy it.