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12/2/2014 10:00:33 PM
You're attacking my rhetoric while using slang and curses in your own? Google hypocrite. Also, I'm a biology major on a pre-med track so I'm really not overly concerned with how well I write on an internet forum. That being said, you aren't backing up any these claims with proof or citations of my poor rhetoric that you so adamantly bash. This is a forum where we post our OPINIONS on the game and debate our OPINIONS with the OPINIONS of others. Myself, and those who agree with me (the group as I was referring to when using "we"), believe these changes to be beneficial. We have given our reasoning for such, and those opposed have voiced their opinions why such changes would not be beneficial. You have done neither. You continue to make attacks with absolutely no support. As a college student your responses would yield no better than a "D" because you are not supporting your claims, only proclaiming them as truth. You have also responded to a comment within a thread without addressing the central debate of either, which is quite frankly, odd.

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