We still get 2 crucible marks for the loss right? ;) I wonder what you get for a zero : zero draw?
It's not like we are asking for Lord Saladin to accept Vanguard Reputation and Marks. I got to Rank 5 + 4 + 4 in Iron Banner because I wanted all of Saladins sweet offerings, and yet I much prefer PvE to PvP.
Having discovered in the first week of the game that PvE is "better with friends", I don't know why it took me so long to figure out that the hours of misery I had in PvP were because I was by myself. As soon as I started to team up with people in Iron Banner, PvP became much more bareable, almost enjoyable.
But if you don't play pvp you shouldn't get anything that involves pvp just like if you don't play pve you shouldn't get anything that involves pve
Agreed if there was PvP items, so far it's a pipe dream those items exist.