I read this as....I want pvp gear but do not want to play pvp. You buy that gear from the crucible vendor. You can still earn vanguard marks and faction marks through pve. If you want PVP gear. PLAY PVP
What PvP gear? Doesn't exist with the standard vendors. Look at the items in question before replying with a stupid comment.
There's gear/weapons that you buy from a CRUCIbLE vendor. CRUCIBLE is the destiny pvp content. In which you earn CRUCIBLE marks from your PVP battles....then...this is the good part. With your marks you can buy CRUCIBLE....or as I call it pvp gear. Because you buy it from a -blam!-ing guy that sells -blam!-ing shit that you earned in the damn pvp crucible you jerk bag.
So play PvP to purchase PvE gear? Why?
It's pvp gear. And you can't have it. Because you won't play pvp.
I think his real point might be mine as well. It's really not about the Crucible vs PVE. Bungie set up a system of commerce that many of us (like OP) were using to achieve certain goals. In this update (despite all the mostly good things they did with weapons) Bungie removed a system of commerce that really had no reason (or request for that matter) to be changed.
No such thing as Faction Marks. Factions have Rep, but you have to spend Crucible Marks for Faction gear.
You are right on that, however it takes very little time to achieve whatever amount of crucible points you need. Maybe they should have faction marks.
I wouldn't say "very little time", although with the now-removed method of trading mats for marks, if you could farm 100-150 mats/hour, it was the same rate playing the Crucible. 2 Marks for losing, 12 minutes a match = 10 Marks/hour. 3 Marks for winning = 15 Marks/hour.
I could be a little biased in that I absolutely hated farming mats. However it's not like they took any farming away. Also. You can earn faction gear through gaining rep in PVE. Crucible gear on the other hand is limited to solely to pvp marks. This rude jerk bag that responded above is correct in that there should be some sort of pvp perks within the crucible gear.
Just to repeat it another way: Currently, all 3 Factions require Crucible Marks to buy gear. Yes, you can earn Faction [i]Rep[/i] in PvE, but to actually buy their gear requires Crucible Marks. Trading "destination mats" for Crucible Marks was a way to earn Crucible Marks via PvE content. By taking that away, we now have 5 PvP vendors—vendors who only accept currency exclusively earned via PvP. (And 2 Vanguard/PvE vendors, who only accept PvE currency.)
"I read this as....I want pvp gear but do not want to play pvp. You buy that gear from the crucible vendor. You can still earn vanguard marks and faction marks through pve. If you want PVP gear. PLAY PVP"- Manders2141 Could not have said it better me self.
PvP gear is a myth. It's legendary gear for both PvP and PvE. Really, don't anyone who replies even know what PvP gear should look like? Here is a hint: PvP gear should contain perks specifically for PvP play. I.e. More super energy from GUARDIAN kills. That would only help PvP play and be something I have ZERO interest in thus removing my gripe with removing the mats for rep/marks complaint.
You're not the real DeeJ...
Shhhh he doesnt know that :)