My farming was always done in conjunction with my patrols so it wasn't really anymore time consuming.
I'm glad it didn't bother you but it was tedious for the majority of people so it was eliminated. Welcome to Democracy.
I must have missed that vote. I don't recall ever seeing that matter ever put to a vote and for the record there have been several items which Bungie nerfed/buffed/patched which didn't get much write-up on this forum.
The vote was taken in the feedback forum by all the people including myself who asked Bungie to eliminate tedious material farming. Bungie then realized that farming was making a lot of people not enjoy their game so they got rid of it. Just because some people don't mind torture that doesn't make it alright to torture the rest of us.
Why so upset? Why characterize farming as torture? As I and others on this thread have already stated it's easy to do especially if you use the various farming routes for which their are numerous videos out.
Why so upset? Because 4 days of my life was lost to grinding for materials. Why characterize farming as torture? Because it's painful and forced on me. Honestly, this was really more of an analogy than a direct comparison. If you found it easy good for you. I found it to be pointlessly tedious. Why do you have a problem with something you found easy getting easier?
Maybe now you can see why the OP is upset. What worked for him before is now something he can no longer do. And that's part of the problem with many of the patches Bungie has rolled out since the get go. They appease one group, but anger another.
Ok. On that note my friend. How bout we agree to disagree and enjoy Destiny our seperate ways. (licks palm and high fives laptop)