originally posted in:Dads of Destiny
Hey guys I'm a 32 year old dad of 2 boys who is also going back to college. I don't know anyone who has a PS4 or Destiny. I have had the game and system for less than a week and am wanting to have some solid help with missions. If some of yall could add me I would greatly appreciate it. My tag is Russ1582. Thanks guys!
Add me psn same as name level 22 Hunter, Don't have many ps4 friends either
Add me I'm the same having trouble finding ppl to help with missions. And am yet to do the raid
Add me I'm in same boat only a few friends on PS4
Add me. I'm always on
Thanks for all of the reply and friends request.
You can add me, 30 titan and 25 warlock, my fav are strikes! Psn is same as name. I play a lot but consider myself a casual gamer as in I'm not upset if we struggle in missions, strikes or raids. I'm eastern time zone and usually play 9:30-11:30/12 after wife and kids go to bed.
Send me an friend request
archangle91 add me. New to ps4. and Destiny. Hunter class level 13. Looking for help and new allies
I sent a Friend Request.
Feel free to add me...pllarsen 36 year old dad of 4! Level 28 warlock
You can add me, PSN same as above. I'm on at night mostly CST. lv28 Titan.
Love to help but am having issues with the search function on my PS4. You can try to add me; wolfpelt2
If you ever need help, just let me know. I have a lvl 29 Titan and I love to help other guardians out. I'm in pacific time zone and usually play after 6pm. I occasionally play earlier in the day and weekends are open, just have to check my schedule and make sure its clear. My PSN is battlemace
Ill add you. Thundercat_87