My first computer was the Radio Shack TRS80 (Trash80) that I had a text based dungeon crawler.
Then I stepped up to the big leagues with ColecoVision with the 2600 extension.
Then came the NES with some Zelda and Super Techmo. Followed quickly by my Sega Genesis.
But what really got me were Doom, Rise of the Triad and Quake.
I still have all the systems, and yes they are connected to an old monitor on an A/B switch.
good times.
Can I ask why your username is random letters? Always wanted to know why people do it
They aren't. It's abbreviated for Dazed and Confused, my favorite Led Zeppelin song (also a great movie). Most people think it is related to weed, but no, I personally don't smoke. Nothing against it recreationally, just not my thing. I prefer a good Single Malt.
Add some vowels and you'll get the name of a classic coming of age movie in the username