This game was actually a F-U to PvP players.
Nobody plays crucible. Bad maps, boring gametypes, one-sided battles. No rewards. The people who do play it come on here and rant about it. They are -by far- the ones who are losing. Nobody cares about your destiny KD
PvE & raid gear FTW
This game was advertised as a HUGE PvE but everything Bungie has done is forcing PvP, yet just like their story, and content, it lacks everything. I hate PvP, other than iron banner a little. Crucible sucks. But again, the biggest issue is that this game was looked at by consumers, and advertised by Bungie as Basically 90% PvE, yet they make every change to make PvP players happy, and force every second, every update and every change in the game tailored to PvP when they have no real content for PvP at all. It's so dumb of Bungie. They have literally screwed this game up. And it sucks cause I enjoy this game but it lacks heavily.
You mean PvP isn't 75% of the game? PvP is the only thing that will save Destiny and make it last... At least that is what all the negative posts claim. Looking over the history of games I haven't found a PvP game lasting 10 years. Actually games with huge PvE content and updates outlast PvP games. Some of my friends who LOVE PvP couldn't tell me one PvP game they played a year after it was released. PvP users tend to jump ship when the next shiny PvP game is released. Too bad I am the only one with XB1. Should have just bought the game on PS3.
Edited by SnakeDoc518: 12/7/2014 6:42:47 AMjust to play devil's advocate, EVE Online is pretty much completely centered around PvP, and it's been in operation for just over 11 years...i mean, yes, there are ways to avoid it, but the game ends up getting kinda stale...though there are those who like staying in secure space, manufacturing stuff, selling it, mining, and running strictly PvE operations....they're mockingly called "carebears" by the majority of players, who are there for PvP, and griefing... that said, if i could afford the subscription, i'd go back in a was quite a lot of fun....and PvP was VERY rewarding..
I guess you haven't heard of Starcraft or this other game called League of Legends which is the most popular game in the world for the past 3 years.
What console is that for?
The same one where people play pve games for 10 years.
Oh, so irrelevant in the scope of consoles... Thanks.
But you said in the history of games there hasn't been a pvp game lasting more than 10 years. I named one. In the history of gaming there hasn't been a pve game that lasted 10 years.