People seem to think that it's a choice between exchanging mats for marks and rep or marks for mats. There's literally no reason to not have both options available. Just because you're in favor of one thing doesn't mean you can't be in favor of another thing THAT DOESN'T EVEN INTERFERE WITH WHAT YOU'RE IN FAVOR OF.
Mats for marks/rep allows players who don't have gold or + to play the game and acquire equipment. It's useful for people who have materials they aren't using for w/e reason and gives them a sink to dump them in. There is literally nothing detrimental about this exchange option and it opens up a different line of game play for a different type of player. It allows players to bypass something they either can't access or don't enjoy playing at an extremely high mark up.
Marks for mats is useful because it allows players to use what may be dead currency for them (vanguard marks in most cases) to be used for something other than buying equipment to breakdown in to ascendant materials. It allows players to bypass a somewhat tedious task at an extremely high mark up.
Mats for marks/rep exchange rate: 50 mats = 45 - 70 mins of game play ::: 5 marks & 25 rep = 20 - 30 mins of game play *
Marks for mats exchange rate: 10 marks = 40 - 80 mins of game play ::: 20 mats = 10 - 30 mins of game play *
*Time required is estimated from personal experience
With both forms of exchange in place players would be able to convert crucible marks in to vanguard marks and vice versa at an extremely high mark up. 30 marks = 5 marks when only using marks to acquire mats for a mats to marks/rep exchange.
---- Statements I've been hearing and my retorts -----
"You want pvp gear w/o playing pvp?" - There is no such thing as "pvp gear" there is literally just "gear" and "gear that has useful pve passives". All gear outside of the raid set does the same stuff, nothing about the gear you can buy with crucible marks makes it more favored in pvp than the gear you can buy with vanguard marks.
"If you want marks and rep just play a strike or crucible match." - If you want materials go farm materials during patrols. You want to spend excess marks for mats and I'd like to spend excess mats for marks. (I'd like to do both actually since I don't really have a use for my vanguard marks and sometimes I just don't feel like running patrols)
"I want to actually play the game not grind out farming materials" - Running around shooting stuff is playing the game, if you're running around shooting stuff then you're playing the game. Shoot stuff while you look for material nodes and chests, do patrol missions while looking for materials and.... OMG... You're "actually playing the game".
I don't get why people seem to feel the need to shit on what other people consider fun. "You don't like what I like so what you like is lame and shouldn't exist!" More options is good for everyone there's no reason to not have as many options available to the player(s) regardless if you don't agree that certain options are as useful as others. Also there seems to be this huge assumption that every player upset about the removal of mats for marks/rep exchange are pure pve players who just don't want to play pvp and that's dumb. I think it's removal is dumb and my time is split almost equally between pvp and pve.
Plus 1,000,000 bumps!
You sirvhave stated my entire argument, (minus my stance on Fusion Rifles in PvP) I agree that the xp.gain.should be removed. I spend my playvtime doing bounties and chest runs. PvP frustrates me and I don't have fun. I think actually considering a market system based on Mats/marks. In theroy it would bring the two sides ofv the fans closer together, although I am.not sure how to.correctly implement such a thing.
Well ur 100% right "Sir" i mean Ape.
I agree (in fact I made an outright rant about how this game has too many forms of currency), but there is one flaw: If they let you trade Mats for Crucible Marks and XP, and also let you buy mats for marks, there will be a subset of people that abuse the system to buy mats, then sell them back for the XP gain. That said, they could address this by eliminating XP gains for material sales (which is part of what I proposed).
Well said sir!