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Edited by vP Limit: 12/3/2014 12:28:35 PM

Warlocks are now useless in VOG.

No more gouda, no more parmesan, no more government issued cheese for you sissy raiders dependant on sun singers. Warlocks are uselss now, sure try and argue "but dude they can revive", if you have to rely on a couple birds to keep the team from wiping you shouldn't be doing the raid in the first place. Learn to play your class and play smarter and you wont become thay one link. Edit: Holy hell there's alot of salty warlocks in here. Also alot of dumb people who still don't know your from you're lmao. Keep it up guys this is too funny to read! Edit 2: all this Morton's is outstanding! Don't be mad my class out ranks yours in every way shape and form because i know how to play my class! LOL!

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  • Edited by Agent Raven: 12/3/2014 7:15:42 AM
    From day 1 I wanted to be a warlock. I personally perfected my warlock to destroy PvE and PvP. I love my warlock. Warlock Rank 9/10 From experience I had a hard time using the Hunter. [spoiler]It just seems like you have to be too accurate with gun slinger and too quick with blade dancer. Hunter Rank 7/10 [/spoiler] Titan classes striker is a lot of fun and I love playing in PvE and shoulder barging enemies with brute force. Titan Rank 9/10

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