You are missing one simple thing here. All the best guns and armor comes from PvE via the raid, nightfall, or heroic (as in strange coins to use with xur). Everything the vendors sell is crap compared to raid and exotic weapons and armor. You really want to run around in circles for hours for a few marks? It would take like all day just to get enough marks for leg armor, much less a helmet or a gun. I don't get it, I've hardly ever used the mat exchange, that is probably why they removed it, because most people never used it. I used all my materials leveling up raid guns. And that was too much farming for me. I would much rather buy my materials. Never had any left over to trade for marks. Not to mention I never had any need for much of anything from the vendors. Usually just bought stuff to break down into shards to level raid and exotic armor.
Yeah, while I def agree this was the first patch that showed PVE some real love (even though PVP got an equal amount, wasnt the same in reverse) but I do agree with you - I had 200 Spirit bloom between 2 chars once, i was like okay, lets trade in 50 see what I get - I got the rep equivalent to like 2 or 3 pvp matches - even in certain farming "circles" with spirit bloom I prob could get the 50 in the same time as those pvp matches but to do that all day for a measly amount of rep? first and last time i ever traded in Im def more of a pve player, but I do enjoy pvp every now and then - so Idk to me it was worth playing the pvp (doing bad or good doesnt matter)
Yeah, I'm not the best at crucible, but it's fun. A lot more fun than running around in circles looking for mats. I've been getting into it more since IB. I will definitely grind out 300 marks for crucible and vanguard this week. Because I used a lot to upgrade a lot of guns and I want to start building back up for the new vanguard and crucible guns that are coming in the expansion. They should be much better than what the vendors have now