I know some of you have figured this out already (I think it's funny how we can think so alike). Basically, if you have two Titans, send them to the left teleport spot. One other person and relic holder on the right teleport. Two people with MAXED Gjallahorn's should stay on top where you killed the oracles. If not, you can jump up there as a Titan or Warlock. Everyone else should be using Gjallahorn's and Truth's as well. I recommend that everyone load up a fresh Heavy Ammo Synthesis, and then wait it out until your next one is ready. Also, you will be replenished with full ammo as soon as you finish the Oracles, so make sure you already have your Rocket Launchers equipped when you finish that part.
When the Templar attempts to Teleport left, quickly send your first Titan up there and have him deploy a shield when he thinks we will die. Try to strafe and survive as long as you can before doing so. When you think the bubble might deplete, have you second Titan ready to replace the first and throw down his shield.
The guys on the right have it a little easier. The person who will guard the teleport spot can actually prevent the teleport by standing behind those blocks, with his head inside the circle. You can duck, you have to be standing up. Have you back against the wall and kill Harpies and Minotaurs because you will start to get overrun. The Relic holder should be taking out as many of these as possible to make it easier on the teleport guy.
On both side, when the Templar isn't attempting to teleport to you spot, DPS with you Heavy. The two guys on top should shoot all their rockets, and quickly use a Heavy Ammo Synthesis, and quickly shoot those. If everything goes as planned, the Templar should be close to dying. Finish him off with a couple Sniper rounds, and call it a day!
Like I said before, I know people had already figured this out (I just raced to the forums to post this, only to find out that I had been beat). Feel free to ask any questions, and I would greatly appreciate some more subscribers on my YouTube channel. Getting a capture card and going to be a lot more active on my channels. Now, my shameless plug...
YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCleC-ss_vencWtaHWMr7fjA
Twitch Channel: http://www.twitch.tv/dan3gerou5