id rather beable to cut down the amount of farming i have to do then farm for crucible marks. If u dont play crucible u dont deserve to get crucible marks. Some people dont like the pve part of the game. Yet they still have to farm materials to level up there weapons. If u want crucible marks play the crucible. Plain and simple. U get marks for a win and u get marks for losing. Why should u beable to get crucible marks to spend on vendors if u dont play crucible. They should make the vendors take both marks but until they do suck it up. Stop posting on the forums cause u are butthurt about positive changes u dont like. Plenty of people are happy about the change . Plenty are not . Sooner or later they will change it again . Until then get some klenex and wipe ur tears .
I am doing PvP now and I love to help out the opposing team. You like the fact Bungie provided a way for players like me to avoid it now I'll make sure I enjoy it MY WAY, to assist the opposing team.