seriously grow the -blam!- up..... just cause there is pvp marks doesnot mean you have to get them. if there is some gear from the guy you want, then again grow the -blam!- up and earn it...
And good for bungie for seeing where the lasting power of this game is. PVP is what will carry this game from dlc to dlc. cause little runts like you will come to play JUST pve, get bored and through hissies about how you cant handle shooting at a moving target that shoots back so you dont play it.... people like you are what make changes to games that ruin them...... please play pvp and suck ass, cause i am sure you sucking ass is a normal occurrence daily
i just looked and you haven't done pvp at all, and you haven't even done the raid... your nether a pvp player or a pve player, your squatting peice of shit.... are you gonna come back an bitch you dont do raid cause no one can put up with you long enough to make it in the door
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