originally posted in:Dads of Destiny
Update: Got to the 2nd to last checkpoint last night! Now to finish it and go again.
Soo I am an XBox One Dad that needs to spam the normal raid for gear and need a list of other dads who would like to join me.
Please send me your GT and I will invite you in tonight.
I am usually on every night doing the raid or nightfall or strikes so invite me for all those needs too. Like Most Dads, I can't stay up all night, so if we join up, we can knock this stuff out together.
Daughter of two girls,
Add me....GR8TGMAN...i will be at hockey tournament for the kids this weekend.... but i am always looking for other dods to run weeklies ...nightfalls or the vog with...
I can help finish a normal tonight at 9:00 EST. Invite me. GT is same as ID here: terminallyirish.
I am available also. I did the raid for the first time Sunday.
DOD player on alot but not tonight. XBOX1 GT BWO Badphish add me ill join up anytime im on.
7 cst us 8 est right?
I'm EST. Add me and I'll join.
7 cst is 4 in Alaska? If you're on the Xbox one add me. Hero7861. I don't know that I'll be on at that time but I will look for you