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originally posted in: HM VoG isnt fun anymore
12/3/2014 6:32:36 PM
Having only one way of doing that particular boss is whats no fun, and him being just frustratingly hard at times is no fun, after that part of the raid and before, the raid is fun. Like I said, the mid boss should not be harder then the final one. Plus the templar has a bunch of bugs as well. Minotaurs still get the hp bump back up at times, shield guy can't hurt oracles, and the templar teleports and detains people even before his shield is down, had that one happen a couple of times. At least when the ledge and push method were still around there were a couple of ways to fight him, you could either get to the sniper perches and take cover, or stay on the top ledge, or push him off, or go down and fight him up close, now there is only one way to fight him so that gets boring fast, doing the same thing over and over again, no variation at all.

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