Desticle Seek And Destroy Unit.
Sure, sounds like fun "Sips drink" What's the pay?
I don't know, but I do know it's a yearly stipend.
Sure, I can do some work for them every now and then but I've got other jobs to take care of aswell, tough that's all I'm going to say on the matter. "Gets up and leaves 1,000 caps on the table" Thanks for the drink bar keep, and I'll be seeing you all next week "Walks out of bar"
*looks around, no one's there* *steals caps* What dafuq you mean, I lost karma?
Hmmm. I will not tell for 500 of those.
*goes into V.A.T.S.* *targets CurledDesert29* Nah. *goes out of V.A.T.S.* *hands 500 caps* Hey, I gained karma!