Thank you. I can agree that the various weapon and armour elements could be kept seperated between PvP and PvE (original or future) as long as there is an equal share accessable though equiable means to the various segments of the community. Wholly and Solely relying on the Generator is not fair if PvP could Purchase it specifically if they choose to.
Adding Buying Materials at the Crucible|Vanguard Exchange is fine. Removing the. Removing their Sale is OK if it is fixing this seperation or prevent RNG exploit through Rep Boosting but PvE should have a choice of skinned Guns and armour from vendors other than just the Vanguard or One Skinned Weapons (Looks OK on Light\Beware but I don't want it on most of my weapons). I like the New Monarchy Red/White and I can accept the point of view that it's PvP intended.
The fact that there was an alternative path to accessing it prior Material Exchange and Purchase with required Cruicble marks meant PvE could accuire it (Originanlly Intended by Bungie or Not?) taking more or as much time as PvP and could feel that they earned it (PvE still needed to rank up the faction as well Rember those Beacons).
The PvPers second main point in argument that they are funtionally equivenlent to vanguard or immediately superceded buy any legendary weapon/armour piece in it's category is void if I'm buying it for Consmetic/Set Completion or other reason.
I'm Playing with My Copy of Destny in a method that is satifying me you (I'm not annoyed that the PvP player is using their copy in a different way to me a deriving their satisfiaction)
If the faction content is no longer intended for PvE without a reasonable portion of PvP where is the Color/Consmetic Weapon choices for the PvE to purchase. Or the communication that such vendors for PvE will be added.
The fact that there was no communication about The Removal of Selling Materials maybe being a consequence of the others Implementation in the Patch notes or prior has me most disapointed with Bungie on this Patch
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