Again what Crucible gear do you speak of?
I see legendary gear I want to use which enhances my stats/skills in PvE.
Not sure PvP gear exists with the standard vendors which is why they all should accept both currencies in the first place.
It seems obvious by the vendor names were for a different type game and then got watered down but not fixed.
I also bet they did intend to have PvP and PvE items and then cut it.
I'm speaking of gear that you can only get with crucible marks. It is not as good for PvE as raid gear is. So if you don't PvP, I don't see why you'd even want gear that can only be bought with crucible marks, if raid gear will further increase your light level and therefore performance more. Granted, you need to be at least level 26 to do the raid, that's why there is gear that can be bought with vanguard marks that can get you as high as 28, or 29 if you have an exotic piece.