So, when the recent update launched a friend convinced me to try giving Destiny another go. I managed to experience almost 2 hours of uninterrupted gameplay before being hit with 2 caterpillar errors, but no disconnect. I quit for a while and got back on for almost another hour and then I received "Hare" followed by a disconnect. I gave up for the day. I logged in this morning only to be hit with a disconnect within 5 minutes.
I am a subscriber to Comcast and have the Technicolor modem/router combo, but I only use it as a modem for my Belkin router/wireless unit. My XBOX and my blu-ray player are wired into the Belkin and I connect my wireless devices to it. I have been playing Destiny from day one using this set-up. I had no problems until last week. The only game that I experience any issues with is Destiny. Nothing has changed on my end at all. I repeat, no other game, device or application is failing using this set-up. Only Destiny. I refuse to believe this is a problem on my end as no other game is failing. And buying new equipment to play one game is ludicrous. Are any of you at Bungie looking into this? I know you made a post concerning PSN errors, but what about us XBOX Live subscribers? Have you abandoned us? I understand that not everyone are having issues, but it's clear a significant amount of people are indeed experiencing difficulties. Please, for the love of all that is gaming, at least acknowledge that have read our posts on this topic. I was thoroughly enjoying my time with the game and am saddened that I can no longer play with any consistency.
Same provider and router combo, same problems. Tell me if you find a fix
There is something at bungie's end, I have a gigabit connection with Google and also getting baloons, caterpillars and hare's error. On a ps4, no other game gets the error.