Looking to do normal raid for the first time this Saturday around 3pm GMT (I know it's a bit early but we are first-timers and want to be sure)
Atm we are looking for 3 gamers to help us through the raid for the first time, tell us a few nice little stories, explain the mechanics etc. We are 3 friends with 2 lvl27s and a lvl28 (one of each class). We have Mics and will be chatting casually throughout.
Basically we are just looking for 3 helpful, experienced guardians with Mics to lead and guide us through the raid! See you starside,
Dylank147 (we are all 16 btw)
TL:DR. Looking for 3 experienced guardians to help us raid for the first time this Saturday at 3pm GMT on Xbox 360
Level 30 Hunter here, id be happy to help you guys out. are you on xbox one?
No xbox 360 sorry :( thanks for the reply though