This is the XLost Legends of ApachiX in this group there is fun as well with powerful players,Lost legends are scouting for the Best of the best we are looking toward those with strategy quick thinking and excessive set of skills.Lol again we are also looking for those who are smart and friendly and those who can get along with other no matter how they act this is a friendly group with just having fun.We will attend raid strikes all those exciting modes.As well as helping others who cant fight for themselves.This is a group of helping and friends this is XLost Legends of ApachiX and you MUST BE ACTIVE NOT ALL THE TIME BUT SOME.
Required to join
Have a level cap of 25 and UP^
Must have a mic
Try to have least down
Must have more kills then deaths
Obey fireteam leader be friendly and have fun :)#
My ps3 I'd is seanpaul76 I have a level 32 titan level 31 warlock and hunter
Hey XxEntity of Lost LegendxX Clan! Are any of your members light level 30 and are interested in taking on the Crota's End raid right as its launched OR later in the day after launch? Then tell them to go here: This link will take you to an organized Crota's End raid schedule and set up for level 30 players to get their DLC raid on! (All Consoles)