Hundreds of gamers flock on these forums complaining how exotic resets are nonsensical and faction recommendations are pointless.
Complaint after complaint
about weapons are op and lack of content but let's face it guys we all have put in more hours in this game than any other game combined seriously I've played more than my monies worth and no I don't work for bunjie. As a musician I have more time than most but at the end of the day most of the other playstation games I own just gather dust.
And we can all answer that elusive question. Why? despite the obvious flaws in Destiny I can honestly say I love it. I may not agree with how bunjie makes their gamers grind like mad for materials or to get to light level 30 or even 32 but there's something about coming from work on a Saturday night, having a drink, round up six of you trust friends and raiding or just owning in control on pvp. The comedy the connection, the struggle and even if it's random rewards. It's just exciting! I enjoy Destiny.
Destiny is a shlit of what it was supposed to be. Thanks bungie for making us pay more than we had to for the full game. Great plan, Sincerely, Ihateyoubungie;)