I've never done a raid. Lvl 29 Warlock. I play a lot, but prefer to run solo so that I can manage my own time. Finding a fireteam then committing an unknown amount of time for the raid sounds very difficult. Moreover, I'm still learning how to aim with the ps4 controller in the crucible... this is my first console FPS. You wouldn't want me on your team LOL!
Lvl 28 you mean. Gatta upgrade that helm first boss.
No, I also have Heart of Praxic Fire chest armor fully upgraded. I'm 29 when I put that on. Take a look at my guy now :)
👍 I've got 2 30s and a 27.
Why didn't you do iron banner?
I tried iron banner and got wrecked! The first game was against a fireteam of 30s. I got 0 kills LOL! I did a bit better in the following matches, but realized I wasn't good enough to complete most of the bounties. I wouldn't be able to reach the higher ranks needed to buy the lvl 30 gear. Hopefully I will have improved enough to make IB a feasable option next time around.
The raid can go quicker than you think especially on normal with your level. I completed it with only 4 people the whole way through in only around 40 minutes and we were 28-29s
I could definitely commit an hour or so! Perhaps I ought to give the raid a few runs... Thanks!
Same here. Level 29 Titan and prefer to play solo because of time constraints. Would like to complete raid before Tuesday. PS4 - smjbronco.