I haven't done it yet, because i had to buy all of my legendary armor and weapons, stupid rng. I'm level 28 but still trying to get all my weapons maxed before I give it a try, and reading some of the posts that some people post about the raid it seems like you have to be good or you get booted from the fireteam. Xbox 1 and my GT is same as here but I can't for the life of me remember if it's a lower case or upper case T.
I'll raid with you tonight if you want - probably around 6 or 7 EST. Send me a message or whatever on xbox live gt is xpctR3sistanc3
That's not really true. It's just the elitists and people without patience who boot. Also, you don't even really need maxed weapons for normal raid, just a good void secondary/heavy (Secondary preferred, both is great)