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originally posted in:Guardian Fire Squad Alpha
Edited by Guardian1393: 1/1/2015 2:48:12 PM

Soooo I got the Thorn bounty....

And immediately im regretting my decision to choose it. I hate pvp(and suck at it) and now i have to get 500 points in the crucible with void damage. But wait theres more....each kill is 5 points and each death is -2 points. Anyone have any advice? Edit: Finally finished the crucible part. Big shout to Lykon, Mumz, and Ad for the help. Even though we died alot, we still made it fun! Now to finish my Bad Juju bounty.

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  • Hate to bump a dead thread but I saw Artemix with Thorn in the raid and my convlusion is..... I really want Thorn now. Anyone feel like doing rumble with me in the crucible and getting killed ALOT?

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