[quote]What the heck was the logic behind removing material exchange for Crucible rep and marks?[/quote]
They added the exchanging vanguard and crucible marks for materials for the PvP folks... PvE isn't going to entertain people in the long term, so no doubt they will continue to focus on improving PvP.
- Der
Right, remove something a base of users enjoy doing to ensure the longevity of the game. All the replies to say how dumb I am for playing 100's of hours my way with no intent to stop. Those same haters have played a fraction of what I have and you still believe I will leave before them? Your right, there is no PvP game coming out in 2015 that will steal the majority of hardcore PvPers. Destiny will surely have more than the average number of maps those games will have. Foolish replies like this is why this game will have a user base of below 100,000 users. Keep forcing everyone to lay the game one specific way isn't how you keep the user base high.