originally posted in:THE 300 LEAGUE
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Greetings proud leaguers,
Here is the roster were each of us guardians shall declare his current location in space time, as well as his GamerTag (GT), and onduty (online) frequency. This will ensure that each of us know what is the best time to partner up and go raiding, nightfall-striking, or just outright scavenging the solar system.
Appreciations to guardian Sinosis for proposing the wonderful idea.
Since leading is by example, I shall begin this list by commenting mine whereabouts first.
I Beseech thee fellow guardians, do follow the same format as I, as order is key to the easy deciphering of meanings and truths.
GT shall stand as GamerTag, TZ shall stand as Time Zone, and OF shall stand as Onduty (online) Frequency.
Let's gear up guardians!
GT : Clarkbar2131 TZ: EST Weekdays around 6:30-11:30...Fri til about 2:30-3 Weekends varies but on pretty often