Just looking to expand my gaming friends. I am currently in a clan, so no Clan invites. I am a Husband and father and work a lot, so about the only time I am on is usually on my days off and when I am not busy with the family.
I have a Lvl 28/29 Titan, depending on which chest piece I wear.
And also a Lvl 24 Warlock. I am a casual player and I just play to have fun. I mostly do strikes and of course the vanguard bounties, along with the dailies and weekly's. And am also willing to help out as well if I'm not tied up with the clan. So if interested my GT is : CrypticalMoon. Oh yea forgot, it on the Xbox 1.
lvl 25 warlock, xbox1, mic willing to join with you anytime. I am husband, father, and should I even say it a grandpa.
Casual and fun ,sounds familiar:) i'm a littlebit rookie with vog and crucible. Add me if thats no problem...titan lvl 24 ,warlock lvl 28 ,mic and gt Flaggs71