Destiny has its faults but why are there people who constantly complain?
I understand that you can't please everyone, however people complain over the stupidest things. I mainly am talking about Xur.
Big deal its practically a free exotic. Already have it? Save you coins till DLC.
Quit whining, and give some constructive feedback rather then complaining.
/End rant
I could care less about destiny...[spoiler]WHY?? Cant people be more happy in general.i keep wanting too believe there's more love than hate in the world b-but i just can't....I see the news someone else got shot,they said he was a pensioner coming home after retireing earlier that day...he was shot in the leg then shot 6 more times in the chest and once in the head....they said his wife had died 2years aho and that he lived alone with no one left in his life.....and in the room were i watched my family see one was saddend on distraught by this they simply shrugged it off like a numb limb...NO ONE.i ask my friends about it and they laugh it boss?? Couldent care less...Honestly im sick of all this hate and people not carrying for each other and to be honest i dont see it recovering....and a world without love is a world just not worth living....and that really makes me sad having too say that...[/spoiler]