My personal best K/D is 39.0, which I got in a game of Control on Blind Watch, I was wondering how it fared compared to the rest of the competitive community. Would love to see some of your guys best games too.
Also what are your guys favorite maps? I like Shores of Time, Twilight Gap, and Rusted Lands the most.
I don't understand how these type of great scores are even possible. I think connection/lag has so much to do with it. I'm not great at pvp but I'm ok. Every game of Crucible I will die multiple times to people who shoot me before they even appear on my screen. Then there's the supers. I've had matches where I've died like 10 times in a row without getting a kill, just by being supered time and time again as soon as I res. If I break 20 kills or get over 1.0 k/d ratio I feel like I've had an amazing game. I really don't know how some of you do it.