Just ran the normal raid with 2 kids, with one being a level 26. Didn't wipe the whole time, and there were only 4 deaths total for the entire team.
I also have done the raid on hard with more 29's than 30's. Average completion time is around 45-60 minutes.
People who rely on levels and age rather than skill and teamwork are the ones who make statements like yours. If you can't do the raid as fast on a 29 over a 30, that's a problem with you.
As a side note, you can't really complain about others not pulling their weight when you average 52 deaths a raid. Check your stats "master raider".
52 deaths of a shit ton of wiping
I have wasted hours trying to complete the raid with shitty teammates. I have ran into many kids who were lvl 30 but still were an anchor. I have ran into many lvl 29s who don't want to do the work for the raid but still want all the rewards. The raid is only enjoyable when you can actually play it without having to carry anyone. I give everyone a chance usually, you can usually tell you have a good raid team within like the first 20 mins.
Unfortunate, but don't generalize. I rarely run into that problem, and when I do it's usually just a matter of people never having been taught, or lack of people wanting to work together. Has nothing to do with level. I've had this post up for a while and have gotten lots of tutorial raids as well as hard raids for 29's where everyone pulls there weight. Not a single time have I had to carry anyone and not a single time have they ever not pulled their weight. It was simply because they were willing to commit to a strategy. That was it. Didn't matter that they were 29 or how old they were. I started gaming when I was 7. All of us were kids at one point and most of is played games as a kid, although multiplayer online games weren't too much of a thing back then. Excluding them because you assume they will be bad is rude.
I just find people at the tower as well, that could be my problem. You probably have an easier time finding good people since it's the forum.
Possibly, but I've ran with groups from the tower to. I have 131 completions. I find groups all over the place. If someone randomly invited me, I join.
Same here. Being lvl 30 for the raid though is incredibly easier than lvl 29. I did the hard raid when I was lvl 29, I hated it since my shields would constantly be taken down from how weak I was. What I did was just do the hard raid once when I was 29 and then after getting the helmet I only did the normal raid until I had the full raid set to get to 30. So people wanting to do the hard raid should really just do the normal raid until they have the boots, chest and gauntlets with an exotic helmet, that way the hard raid is way more enjoyable for you and for everyone else in the Fireteam. It doesn't take too long to get to 30 when you have an exotic helmet. It's nice having hobgoblins be able to shoot you and not kill you instantly or not getting dominated by a Praetorian.
Over 20 out of my 44 hard raids were on 29's. I didn't always have 30's. There are damage reductions as you take a little more damage, but it was never an issue. Me being 30 didn't matter. I could still solo any side on Conflux, solo portals on gatekeeper, or run relic on atheon.