So, I'm at a community college right now getting my gen eds done (for anyone who doesn't know what gen eds are, they are basically a set of classes that you have to take as a base before you can primarily go for your major) and then I plan on transferring to a university.
I found out today, I can be done with my gen eds if I took 8 classes this semester.
Bad idea? Or no?
Classes I would be taking, I know every class is different but to give you an idea:
Music appreciation (can't draw, need a fine art)
Logic (philosophy)
General Psychology
Spanish (need a lang. I guess lol)
Astronomy lab
Chemistry or Biology lab
Intro to Sociology
I've only been in college for one semester, this semester, which I took 4 classes, and it was pretty damn easy because of the professors I had, which is why I'm asking you, who will probably have more of a grasp on this.
Also I work a part time job 30 hours a week that isn't demanding or stressful
I took 8 classes before. I pass them all. Its possible however it is not recommended. If you want a challenge, go for it.