Without pvp the game wouldnt last and no one would play it..and it would get old. as for as pvp? It will never thats why in halo 2 only way to play online is to do pvp and that lasted forever..you are in a small % of people that dont like pvp simply because you dont like fighting anything but CPU... in other words nothing real or hard
You really have no idea what you are talking about. Scratch that, I don't think anyone knows what you are talking about with this utterly misspelled diatribe, which looks like you had an aneurysm half way through before you got back on track. I don't know where you're pulling halo 2 from in this topic but it simply has nothing to do with OP. The fact of the matter is PvP only players are more of a niche when it comes to games like this. The majority of players in MMO's play for PvE. And more play PvE solely vs those that play PvP solely. In EVERY mmo around this is a constant problem. There is a constant balance with blatantly broken aspects of PvP that when fixed will effect PvE and for the most part most either go unnoticed or barely effect PvE gameplay as a whole. At times though a hastily implemented fix for PvP utterly will break something in PvE and its a slap in the face when Dev's don't do something to fix the PvE side of the game because its an easy band-aid for the whiniest group of players, the PvPers. The amount of crying was hilarious when groups started clearing Hard Mode VoG and getting the first model of the Mythoclast. Those PvP only kids were ready to slit their wrists vertically if something wasn't done. And you are the quickest group of players to turn to anyone saying something in PvE is broken and say " stfu baddies, adapt QQ" What I find to be the best part of all this though is you're talking mad shit... and you can't muster a K.D. ratio over 1.0. I mean really like... wow. That's -blam!-ing sad. Just pathetic. And the best part, most of the people you're spatting this crap at have better ratios than you. Normally this is the point where I would say do us all a favor and find a way to screw yourself in a way that one would just label as tongue in cheek humor.... but I think you should do yourself a favor today and just get better so when you go on these prepubescent little yelling matches you don't look as lame. What do you say, Hammer? "RIng the bell, school's in session!"
Edited by JTMSL: 12/7/2014 8:53:00 AMIts funny you say soo much but make such a little statement you think just because you waste 10mins of your life blabbering about bullshit make you look any better little did you know i have a kid that plays while im at the gym putting in work for my next fight so im the reason my kd even has kills...and on a side note -blam!- your pussy ass mmo bullshit bro go back to playing wow because obviously your not playing this game because halo inspired you to.. naw your playing because your one of thos dudes who didn't get laid in high school because you was too busy power leveling your -blam!-ing Hobbit to 99.. destiny was made by bungie bitch not blizzard.. grow some balls and stop shooting cpu.....now go back go back to jackin off to Japanese pron nerd. . because i will invite you to rumble pit and personally tea bag you myself... in game or reality...school is now out of session!
It's funny when people make reasoned arguments and all you can say is "stfu, you can't play multi pussy." I mean way to really make your case. Oh and I have friends with kids that also a on their account... You know what, they give their kids a character to dick with so as not to screw up their k/d. Guess that concept is too hard for you.
I have a kid that plays all 3 of my lvl 29s while i train so yea try again
i have 3 at lvl 29 soand he plays them all...so try again
Edited by ClexMix: 12/7/2014 9:18:00 AMI love how you try to make a point of you go to the gym, and your excuse is your "son" plays. The fact you even have children and don't even know the difference of "you're" and "your" just speaks volumes of your utter stupidity. Funny though how it struck a nerve. Then you try and project shortcomings onto others. I would ask a favor of you though; can you get your son to write your posts for you as well? We might have an easier time making sense of your run on drooling babbling. The point still stands though. The game is mostly PvE based. Face the facts. This game isn't that great of a competitive shooter. Since you brought it up, Halo still stands strides ahead of this game in the vs gameplay because of the fact it was simply balanced given it was focused as a multiplayer vs game. Here, you're stuck with balancing different weapons, builds, gear, and classes to the point where it will never truly be equal. Think back a few years plebeian, the days when you played rock, papers, scissors. It's going to always be apparent in mmo's whether it be WoW or Destiny. Certain guns will favor certain maps, and tactics.... like hide in a corridor with a rocket.... So swing it either way you will mouth breather, but spouting shit doesn't make you a good player. That's apparent in just how you address yourself here. Still lol'ing about the "halo inspires you" l2shooter baddie
aha you like my excuse? Please hahah jtmsl isn't just a gt lol.... i am jtmsl google me..and all your insults are directed towards words like "your" and so on ... lol if i was in scholl still doing an essay that was actually being graded sure i would make it perfect.. i would look it over like you and make sure my statement sounds believable 100% and even sound clever doing it... but no we are not in school and you are not the teacher no grade will be applied im talking to you on a forum seems pretty tho...how did i know you played wow? Ill tell you how i know because "your" post.. only a nerd would spellcheck people for an insult in a forum .. and mmos are for nerds...take your ass back to your computer where you can go load up your lvl 100 dwarf and taxi everyone for exp so they can suck you cock and talk about how strong you are... only reason people like mmos is because they can't be a badass in a in real life so they have to make a guy they go to everyday to make them feel impowered.. destiny was made by bungi not blizzard dont get made because you think destiny is a real mmo..because lets face it its not just because you add levels to players and move from planet to planet freely barley makes it an mmo Bungi will always be for compition players like halo not for pussy nerd fan boys who came from skyrim ... thats why halo will always be the best... not skyrim not destiny or another mmo ...and not because of the campaign ether the campaign can suck for halo 5 and people would still play pvp religiously all day the campaigns of halo 2 3 and 4 where all boring after a week because of the sheer fact pvp takes all..... face it when men grow up they want to fight other men.. but dont worry you'll be there someday hopefully if you put down the yugioh and magic cards . "your" welcome
Edited by ClexMix: 12/7/2014 10:12:21 PMDude you're so mad right now! http://www.twitch.tv/swifty I bet you Swifty trains harder than you brah and still knows how to play And sorry, but Halo isn't even that good of a shooter. It only holds its own on consoles because there's not a yearly installment like that shit show CoD. I used to play in CAL leagues back in Counter Strike 1.5 and 1.6. That's a true shooter right there that takes way more skill than any console fps ever did.....Brah. I love your lame old tired ass bullshit excuses of why you're literally one step away from being considered legally retarded "it aint sholl u aint my teach" get over yourself baddie... I fear for your child... I really do....
Naw im not mad at all at the moment... its kinda hard to be mad when your a successful mixed martial artist :)
Edited by ClexMix: 12/7/2014 10:17:31 PMCuz no one's heard that before on any game.... I do MMA, and I could kick your ass Cuz it totally has EVERYTHING to do with OP doesn't it? No it really doesn't, the fact you have to justify yourself to us "nerds" its just sad. I mean... no one cares. We really don't. Nor does it give you any validation on anything you say. Just makes you look more stupid. Keep trying though. You're doing good man, c'mon everyone cheer him on!
Lol you mad bro? Haha and only reason i respond is because my phone vibrates btw.. don't be mad because you wont be anyone in life you will die and no one will remeber "your" name... but i guess you have every reason to be in "your" case you can be op in vidoe games and ill be op in life :)
Lol finally he brings the "mad bro" to the table. You've exhausted every other excuse you can come up with? Do you know what OP means in this case? If you were trolling I'd get it. But you aren't. You actually think you're that good with that terrible KD ratio. And you have to blame it on your kid?! IF you were so "OP" you'd be able to get him his own account... Say whatever you will... you're still bad... always will be bad... I guess in your case not only do you suck at pve..but pvp as well. Sorry man.
He is 7 so no i dont want him having his own account. Really no point my life doest revolve around this game. So he plays more then me actually lol..and op in this case means overpowered like me compared to you....are you done now?