I agree however the update completely took away something that was in the game from day 1. They could have implemented a way to purchase mats that would not have led to easy gains. The exploit would not be in question if they just went about it differently.
Agreed. From all the complaints about changes it seems like they are knee jerk decisions without much thought of what it may break. Almost all, if not all, weapon nerfs were to fix issues in PvP. That lead to issues hurting PvE. Why can't the weapon tweaks be separated? Are PvP and PvE that much integrated? If so, that would seem to indicate Destiny was only going to be a PvP or PvE game not both. It would be interesting to know what it was to be at the start. Then the posting started and all the hate started flowing both ways. I am OK with complaints but replies should mostly be counter replies with suggestions or alternatives to help someone with a problem. Negative, nasty replies doesn't help anyone. I am sure there will always be a all percentage of evil players who enjoy demeaning others. Why divide the community? It doesn't add, only discourage working together so everyone can enjoy the game their own way. I am sure others could list all the fixes that just broke something else. Maybe it broke it to advance a better way. Just let us know how it did. Why not add random buffs to PvP like they do with PvE. Random buffs to random guns and supers. That would add a variable to automatically nerf the go to weapons or super. The few PvP matches I've been I think I was the only one trying a pulse rifle. Never saw a machine gun either. Granted I only play a few times but auto + rocket launcher + shotgun/fusion is all I saw. It was more repetitive and boring than farming (to me anyway lol). It would be interesting to force you out of the same load outs and maybe allow fresh options. What the heck is Salvage PvP? I never saw it. Does it exist? Why isn't it available all the time? Just add stuff to the game not remove. Is that too much to ask for? Let's see what the DLC provides. I expect there will be things Bungie kept under wraps to surprise us all. If not, oh well...