there will never be more love sent to PVE because both bungie and activision know from previous games that most people play purely PVP. and thats where they are gonna make the most money off the game, not PVE where you just shoot some pixelated character thats programmed to run and hide. PVE offers no rewards since the loot system is -blam!-ed beyond comprehension, it doesn't give any feeling of success like killing someone else in PVP, and most the time all you end of doing is farming upgrade materials which is in itself boring and a complete drag. maybe you've forgotten who's in charge on this game….. ACTIVISION! ACTIVISION IS CALLING THE SHOTS! they will not let bungie do anything unless is means profits, profits, profits AND PROFITS! activision knows PVP is the defining feature of a game or the nail in the coffin of a game. PVE isn't anything, its there just to get you started and thats all.
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