Post the stupidest and the dumbest things you've heard in school.
In 8th grade, girl says "Isn't Japan a part of China?"
"Why can't I give blood if I have herpes?"
This was Freshman Year.
"Jar jar Binks is the best Star Wars character"
Me:How tall are you again? Student: Im 5'13 This was a high school senior
Me: I'm color blind Everyone: [b]WHAT COLOR IS THAT!?!?!?[/b]
9th grade high school, free time after a final. This teacher was pretty cool, hip, into video games, tv shows, and basketball. Teacher: "If there was one thing you can remove from the world, what would it be?" Fellow girl: "video games." Of course my jaw hits the desk but I'm open to opinions, so I wait for her reasons. Teacher: "Okay. Tell us why." Girl: "Because it's for boys and I don't like them. And if there's girls here who like video games, then you're a sad low life that clearly needs to be with other girls." It was at this time that I raised my hand to the teacher and upon permission to speak I said this: "My I please be excused from my gender forever? I should be free to do what I want, when I want, where I want. It's young women like her that down right embarrass me as a female." Girl: "[i]I[/i] embarrass [i]you[/i]? Rather you embarrass me." I laugh and say: "Oh, I'm so sorry mom. But I'll keep playing video games."
Some girl in my grade 10 Geo class said she saw something that said "the moon has eboila"
Edited by Bill Nye: 11/11/2015 3:54:47 AMTesting out my "ultimate troll" scheme [url=][/url] HOLY CRAP IT WORKS
This girl in my freshman geography class once heard that people were afraid of the world ending in the year 2000. This altercation occurred in 2013. Her immediate reaction, I shit you not, "Did it?"
"What day is friday the 13th?"
Me: Man this wifi sucks. Girl: Probably because it's cloudy outside.
This super white trash kid said, and I quote. "We really didn't treat the slaves that bad,yadayadayadayada" 8th grade is full of F***ing idiots. I'm not lying. He said this.
Had someone in class tell me that all guns are bad and the government should take everyone's guns. Not just guns that are owned by criminals, all of them. He is in 10th grade. TL;DR 10th grader wants government to take all guns.
8th Grade Science Class: "Is an earthquake a storm?" "What happens if you drink acid?" "Jason, stop eating the halite sample." "What are the abiotic factors of this environment?---The rocks and the water, because they are both dead." I seriously questioned the mental state of that class.
Edited by Charlemagne: 11/4/2015 12:34:04 AMEdit: Alright, listen, I was just playing around and being a grammar snob, but I'm not going to passively support people using that one little error as something to bully Eli over. Eli, I'm sorry if people were being rude to you over this. For those wondering what this said, I was simply correcting his grammar. It was nothing major. He's since corrected it, too. All is well. Listen to the music above and move along.
Not stupid but funny. My physics teacher just finished a lecture about velocity, acceleration, force, etc. and then this happens: Kid: You should be a motivational speaker Teacher:Ok, why? Kid: you really [u][i]moved[/i][/u] me (Entire class including teacher starts laughing their asses off)
Girl: why do I need to learn math? I'll never use it in real life! Teacher: you want to plant a flower bed and ne- Girl: I'll just hire a Mexican to do it. Me: *facepalm*
Edited by KissMeImAnAngel: 11/9/2015 3:48:12 AMSome lass once argued and argued with me until she turned blue in the face, she said crows didn't eat meat. >.>
You can't speak proper like I does.
7th grade social studies. Moronic Chick: and we celebrate christmas on da 25th because that is the exact date of birth of our lord jaysus christ hallelujah! Me: actually thats not his exact birthday, the catholic church chose that date bec- Moronic chick: You need to shut the hell up because if u dont believe in the lord 'n savior you gonna burn in hell thats a fact so dont hate Me: actually I'm christian I'm just trying to explain tha- Moronic chick: shut up us holy students dont believe in science.
"Can you get a scholarship for 8th grade?" *facetrumpet*
Person in my class: "I speak 5 languages" Me: "What are they?" Person: "English, American, 'Englandian', Canadian, and French" Me: -_-
I eat Legos
"We need a Transgender bathroom" I'm changing schools
Project on Russian revolution(by me) Some students leave questions/complaints. I have to label the communist flag since they don't know what it is ???????
Necrobump [spoiler]bump[/spoiler]
Me:"you dont have the same rights in school" Girl: "well we should talk to the people that made the declaration and get that changed"
Teacher: "what's the capital of China" Student: "C?" Teacher: *bangs head on whiteboard*