Post the stupidest and the dumbest things you've heard in school.
In 8th grade, girl says "Isn't Japan a part of China?"
"Why can't I give blood if I have herpes?"
This was Freshman Year.
"Hey do your work"
Girls fighting over dudes
You need to know how to write cursive
it's imperative you learn to write in cursive.
This year, my freshman year, girl asks teacher if you took fish eggs and human semen and tried to fertilize the eggs will you get mermaids?! *facedesk*
Asian kid walks into class people ask where he moved from (new student) stupid jock says Asians live in Canada?
Teacher told me it took millions of years for light to travel from the sun to earth. Them gave me detention and a punishment exercise when I argued about it =.=
Bump to bring back
Edited by Batman: 4/15/2015 11:27:14 PMI ask a kid who sits next to me: How many planets are there in the solar system? His response: I dunno, I'm not a nerd. My friend was doing a project about Bill Gates and some girl was like: Bill Gates the football player?
Me saying stupid shit while in school[spoiler]*kid throws grass at another kid me: you must like that weed so much. You must like it even more when it's burning.[/spoiler]
Canada invented the English language! [spoiler]lol[/spoiler]
Girl saying she fell asleep at 2 and woke up at 7 she had to count how many hours with her fingers me:facepalms
A kindergartener said he was the smartest person in the world, even though he got what 2 + 2 is wrong
People moaning WHAT THE -blam!-.
"In halo 3, chief took out his reactor..." We were talking about iron man..
In seventh grade my friend was convinced giraffes were extinct. Another time my other friend asked " what would you do if one of us was a cannibal?" My friend responded by saying " I would ride him out of this school and go eat all the bananas
"Why isn't there a grade on the attendance part of my report card? Shouldn't I have an A?" No joke
A kid in my study hall said that the vagina was in the belly button.
Edited by arbiter 14567: 3/10/2015 3:02:34 PMSo I'm in math in 9th grade and my whole class is in Algebra 1 and I'm in algebra 2 so I'm kind of a genius and I go around checking everyone's work and my teacher ( like most teachers) doesn't know much about math but as I go around class I get to the teaches daughter and I watch her work out the problem and i just face palm then I raise my hand and say excuse me but Summer (that's her name) just got -0 for her answer. And the whole class burst out laughing and so did the teacher. Lol stupid people are not smart.
Any history lesson ever told
Flipped off a teacher and was given a ticket by the SRO citing it as a terrorist act.
Girl in science class said isn't China in Japan
"Did you know that if you look at the teacher and listen, the test is a lot easier!"
In 6th grade about 5 of my friends and I sat at the same table. 5 of us ( Including me) convinced the other kid that it was free cookie day in the cafeteria. No joke, he went up there and grabbed like 5 cookies. And he was never caught for it.