Post the stupidest and the dumbest things you've heard in school.
In 8th grade, girl says "Isn't Japan a part of China?"
"Why can't I give blood if I have herpes?"
This was Freshman Year.
Most stupid thing? A white person say nîgga. I almost lost it.
"Drugs are bad mmkay"
Edited by LilTuggle: 2/11/2015 9:02:47 PMNo joke. These 2 girls said this Teacher: so, why are their days and nights Student's: because we revolve around the moon. Now this is a question asked in anatomy. This is an AP level class. Student: do dogs have brains? Or this one: "Happy 2015 birthday earth" Holy hell the stupidity is real
Talking about why some countries are over populated " because there's too many mens and too sex '
What's a Panama?
Me and my gf in middle school My gf How do you just walk around with a boner in your pants every day? Me What? Her Yeah it's really long Me It's so tiny Her WHAT?!?! Me It goes flaccid babe and it shrinks down to like 2 inches Her I don't believe you Me YOU THINK GUYS JUST WALK AROUND EITH 7 INCH WANGS PRESSED AGAINST THEYRE LEG ALL DAY?!?!?
A girl said " can Niagra falls fill up with water?"
That the earth is round..
Whenever a social science teacher mispronounces words, particularly Hiroshima, it's 'Hee-ro-shee-mah' not 'Hur-oh-shi-ma' Like holy f[i]u[/i]ck teach... Go back to school
That my son was a troublemaker
on mathc class. you will sue this on your daily life
"FEMA camps are just concentration camps that kill Christians"..
My friend Joel's name
When the teacher is explaining and one guy says "what do we do??"
English teacher is absent
Major pot head kept trying to convince me that weed cures cancer.
Even better. [spoiler]-le me reading halo book in back yard. -Que: druggie white family daughter, "mama, buffalo wings come from buffaloes" mother: "stupid twa t they come from chicken, that's why they wings". *half hr debate ensues* [/spoiler]
We're not having a conversation, we're talking about our school work.
Not in school but someone tried to tell me that the earth was flat and the sky has an impenetrable ceiling.
A kid asked if a Chinese guy spit on your food and you ate it would your sperm have a chance to produce a Chinese child
"All people should be treated equally"
"Mars is supposed to be as big as the moon this weekend."
Edited by Progo: 3/10/2015 4:10:30 PMOne of the janitors was going on and on about galactic seeding and the Illuminati, does that count?
*teacher talking about life after he is done teaching* Me: "So Mr. Teacher, what do you want to do when you retire from teaching?" Girl in class: "Die" Whole class: wtf
Sex ed class Grade 8 Approximately 13:00 hours Commander retard: "if I get crabs I'll just spray pesticide on my dick." Proceed to laugh at commander retard