Post the stupidest and the dumbest things you've heard in school.
In 8th grade, girl says "Isn't Japan a part of China?"
"Why can't I give blood if I have herpes?"
This was Freshman Year.
Sex ed class Grade 8 Approximately 13:00 hours Commander retard: "if I get crabs I'll just spray pesticide on my dick." Proceed to laugh at commander retard
My history teacher keeps a log of student asked "Is santa claus Jesus's brother?
If my Aunt and Uncle get divorced will they still be brother and sister....
"Why can't fish breath" [i]Freshman 2014[/i]
[spoiler]From a guy[/spoiler] "I'm a lesbian because I like girls."
Wait... English class isn't learning english? -some Spanish student that barely knew english
Teacher: Let's try the new laptops we have gotten, i want you all to write a 200 word long story! Retard: *Writes 200 letters* example: Q w a a a j j a u i a
In second grade kids thought there were 51 states because Alaska is also a state. I don't think the kids in this town can count..
A teacher I had refused to believe in the existence of dinosaurs
Teach: What's your favorite country? Russian Noob: SOVIET UNION!!!! AHHHHH!!!
During a poll in my Sociology class, we were asked how many of us had partners that cheated. 4 girls raised their hands and 3 guys raised their hands ( the class was dominantly girls though). When the guys raised their hands, the class Feminazi stood up and said [b]and I quote[/b] "Yeah, but you have to take into account how many of you cheated on your partner first. This is why we have so many problems in the world; because men are terrible and they lie."
Sex ed, eight grade Teacher: What are the four most common forms of sex? Idiot kid: Oral, Anal, Vaginal, and... boob sex?
"Aren't your testicles on your head or something?" -Girl asking me legitimately in 7th Grade... What. The. F***.
Kid that sits behind me in art said his uncle named Hik (there's problem number 1) got a tattoo of a rockstar logo on his shoulder, which made him sponsored by them and now he get free clothes from them every day. The kid is beyond trailer trash....I don't know how he made it to highschool the kid doesn't even own a book bag lol
I once watched the 5 worst students in a college class revolt and get the teacher removed from class.
Teacher:... and that's why if it was wasn't for byzantine, Europe and America would be Muslim Student: But if we were all muslim, wouldn't there be no terrorism? Sigh
Someone told me sex was sticking it in girl. Scrub.
Edited by Enter Name Here: 2/1/2015 8:48:16 AMSome girl thought Ireland was bigger than Russia.
The chicken you eat or the live ones
Had a college professor ask "what are your guys' opinion?" A -blam!-ing college professor!
This kid in my health class asked me "Is India a state?" I hope he was joking
I swear to butter I'll slap your dick off
That Portugal is part of the U.S. That was said by some girl in my history class
"Mary Magdalene's name is actually Mary Magdalele." What's worse is that my teacher was the one who said it. A+ for Catholic schools.
In my college math class a person needed addition and subtraction explained to him for like 20 minutes.