Post the stupidest and the dumbest things you've heard in school.
In 8th grade, girl says "Isn't Japan a part of China?"
"Why can't I give blood if I have herpes?"
This was Freshman Year.
in 4th grade, some kid came to school dressed as a cat and pissed on the teacher... [spoiler]that kid was me. ..[/spoiler]
"Guys!I started to masturbate yesterday and something white came out.I think we produce milk!It was all over my pubes too!My milk tastes so good!"-John
AP english teacher didnt know how to spell "door" i swear true story he lwas spelled it "dor" or "dore"
My 6th grade history teacher tried to tell me JFK was shot with an ak47. I can't remember the gun oswald used, but i know it was italion and fired a 6.5 carcano.
"Isn't Spain in Australia?" Freshman year.
Edited by InsecureCow5516: 1/21/2015 1:38:23 AMThey scraped people's mouths in bio class to see there cell and stuff But when this one guy did it and he asked the teacher what was this "squiggly thing" Turned out it was a live sperm cell with 3 flagellum instead of just one
Over the p.a. during the morning announcements- "Bible Study is now going to be offered as a class"
Everything you learn here in high school you will use out there in the real world..... Ha
"What's a variable?" Freaking sophomore year
Edited by Apollos: 2/12/2015 1:19:21 PMSome kids in class found out I smoke weed. Some girl continues to say "yea why do you think they are so smart" Lesson-weed doesn't make you smarter Also-she smoked a lot and wasn't bright either
Some dough kid in 6th grade hey (My name) why are you sitting at the girls table. Kid: Are you like gay or something?! (Face Universe)
ITT every comment is grammatically incorrect and has spelling errors everywhere.
I'm in love with the coco
Edited by Magikarp: 2/11/2015 9:03:55 PMSomeone like so I can come back when I something stupid happens
About a week ago
The teacher
You'll need all this information in the working world. Education was a lie.
Stupid thing #1: You only use 10% of your brain Stupid thing #2 I was in class, about 5th grade. We were handed a packet that we had to read. After we finished reading we had to ask for our questions. I finished before she even finished the first paragraph(it was like a 3 page packet). I ask for my questions and say I'm done. The teacher looks at me with those kind of looks that mean WTF and talked to me like Im mentality disabled and tells me I'm not done. [spoiler]All faith in humanity =lost *Face Desk* (literally)[/spoiler]
"There's only 49 states now because Pluto isn't a planet anymore"
Now let go too question 21 Random student : YA STUPID *sigh*
The moons a mile long
Edited by chittyshwimp: 2/11/2015 8:15:44 PMBack in kindergarten (yes, I remember because this was my first time feeling the need to truly facepalm), 3 of my classmates (we were seated in groups of four) argued with me that 30+30=60. I had them write and solve 3+3. I then added the zeroes into the completed equation. They argued that it didn't work that way. I then showed them with a calculator. Still didn't believe me. We asked the teacher. They said she was wrong too I wanted to facepalm so -blam!-ing hard. Edit: they were trying to argue that 30+30=80